Accredited by NAAC | Approved by AICTE, New Delhi | Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai
Deviyakurichi - 636 112, Thalaivasal(TK), Salem (DT), Tamil Nadu, India.

NAAC Accreditation

Accreditations / NAAC




6.1.1 The governance of the institution is reflective of and in tune with the vision and mission of the institution

6.1.2 The effective leadership is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management.

6.2.1 The institutional Strategic/ perspective plan is effectively deployed

6.2.2 Organogram of the institution The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures, etc.

6.2.3 Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation

6.3.1 Institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non- teaching staff

6.3.2 Teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/ workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies

6.3.3 Professional development /administrative training programs organized by the institution for teaching and non-teaching staff during the year

6.3.4 Number of teachers undergoing online/face-to-face Faculty development Programmes (FDP) during the year

6.3.5 Institutions Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non- teaching staff

6.4.1 Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly Enumerate the various internal and external financial audits carried out during the year

6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropers during the year

6.4.3 Institutional strategies for mobilization of funds and the optimal utilization of resources

6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes

6.5.2 The institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms and recorded the incremental improvement in various activities

6.5.3 Quality assurance initiatives of the institution


3.1.1 Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects / endowments in the institution during the last five years
3.2.1 Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations, Indian Knowledge System (IKS),including awareness about IPR, establishment of IPR cell, Incubation centre and other initiatives for the creation and transfer of knowledge/technology and the outcomes of the same are evident
3.2.2 Number of workshops/seminars/conferences including programs conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship during the last five years
3.3.1 Number of research papers published per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC care list during the last five years
3.3.2 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during last five years
3.4.1 Outcomes of Extension activities in neighborhood community in terms of impact and sensitizing the students to social issues for their holistic development during the last five years
3.4.2 Awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government / government recognised bodies.
3.4.3 Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through organized forums including NSS/NCC with involvement of community during the last five years
3.5.1 Number of functional MoUs/linkages with institutions/ industries in India and abroad for internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange and collaborative research during the last five years
6.1.1 The institutional governance and leadership are in accordance with the vision and mission of the Institution and it is visible in various institutional practices such as NEP implementation, sustained institutional growth, decentralization, participation in the institutional governance and in their short term and long term Institutional Perspective Plan.
6.2.1 The institutional perspective plan is effectively deployed and functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment, service rules, and procedures, etc.
6.2.2 Institution implements e-governance in its operations
6.3.1 The institution has performance appraisal system, effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff and avenues for career development/progression
6.3.2 Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five year
6.3.3 Percentage of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty development Programmes (FDP), Management Development Programmes (MDPs) professional development /administrative training programs during the last five years
6.4.1 Institution has strategies for mobilization and optimal utilization of resources and funds from various sources (government/ nongovernment organizations) and it conducts financial audits regularly (internal and external)
6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes. It reviews teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals and records the incremental improvement in various activities
6.5.2 Quality assurance initiatives of the institution.

2023-24 SSR - DVV Clarification

7.1.2 The Institution has facilities and initiatives for
1. Alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures
2. Management of the various types of degradable and non-degradable waste
3. Water conservation
4. Green campus initiatives
5. Disabled-friendly, barrier free environment
7.1.3 Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken by the institution.

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